What Do You Mean by Contract of Indemnity Explain with an Example

As a copy editor, it`s important to not only ensure that an article is well-written, but also optimized for search engines. In this article, we will discuss the contract of indemnity and provide an example to better understand this legal concept.

What do you mean by the contract of indemnity?

A contract of indemnity is a legal agreement between two parties in which one party agrees to compensate the other party for any losses or damages incurred by the latter party. In simpler terms, it`s a form of insurance where one party promises to protect the other party from any financial losses or risks.

The party that indemnifies (promises to protect) is called the indemnitor, while the party that is protected is called the indemnitee. The contract of indemnity can be entered into for various reasons, such as protecting against personal injury, property damage, or loss of income.

Example of a contract of indemnity

Suppose you are a small business owner who wants to rent a commercial space to set up your office. You sign a lease agreement with the landlord, which includes a clause that requires you to obtain insurance coverage for the property. You purchase a general liability insurance policy that covers property damage, personal injury, and other liabilities.

However, you accidentally cause damage to the rental property, which results in a loss of $10,000 to the landlord. As per the lease agreement, you are liable for the damages caused to the property, and the landlord demands compensation from you.

In this scenario, your insurance policy will come into play, and you can make a claim for indemnity. The insurance company, as the indemnitor, will compensate the landlord, the indemnitee, for the damages caused by you.


In summary, the contract of indemnity is a vital legal agreement that protects one party from financial losses or risks. It is important to understand the terms and clauses of any indemnity contract before signing it to avoid any disputes in the future. This example highlights the importance of having an indemnity contract in place, particularly for businesses that are exposed to various risks and liabilities. As a professional, it`s essential to ensure that articles are informative and engaging while targeting relevant keywords to improve their visibility in search engines.