Harry Wait & Teddy Groves Benefit- Monday 29 April 1929 at Hilary Street (Att 3,000)
Walsall (3) 4 (Robson 15, Walker*, Walker*, Walker*): Wait, Groves, Houldey, Bradford, O’Brien, Lockhead, Haig, Robson, Walker, Johnson, Murphy.
Wolves (1) 3 (Hartill*, Rhodes*, Hetherington*): Toothill, Kay, Shaw, Brown, Pritchard, Marshall, Rhodes, Deacon, Hartill, Johnson, Hetherington.
Order of Goals: w,w,w,W,W,W,w.
Penalty: Shaw shot over just before half-time.
Later: After the match the team were entertained to dinner by the Walsall directors.
Treble: Walsall’s hat-trick hero was Billy Walker, a guest from Aston Villa.