
Full England Internationals to have played for Wolves

Harry Allen, Darren Anderton, Tom Baddeley, Mike Bailey, Alan Ball, Dickie Baugh ‘snr’, Dave Beasant, Billy Beats, Peter Broadbent, John Brodie, Steve Bull, Eddie Clamp, Stan Collymore, Terry Cooper, Gordon Cowans, Ray Crawford, Chris Crowe, Stan Cullis, Keith Curle, Norman Deeley, Albert Fletcher, Ron Flowers, Tim Flowers, Tom Galley, Michael Gray, John Hancocks, Glenn Hoddle, Alan Hinton, Emlyn Hughes, Kenneth Hunt, Paul Ince, Matt Jarvis, George Kinsey, Arthur Lowder, Joleon Lescott, Bill McGarry, Bobby McNab, Charles Mason, Jimmy Melia, Bill Morris, Jimmy Mullen, Mike O’Grady, Jamie O’Hara, Jesse Pye, Cyril Regis, John Richards, Billy Rose, Jack Rowley, Bill Slster, Paul Stewart, Alan Sunderland, Dave Thomas, Geoff Thomas, Bobby Thomson, Dick Topham, Mark Walters, Frank Wignall, Bert Williams, Dennis Wilson, Peter Withe, Harry Wood, Billy Wright.