Nice (a) 1932/33 F

Friendly- Thursday 25 May 1933 at St Maurice Stadium (Att 6,000)
Match abandoned after 80 minutes.

Nice 3: No details known.
Wolves 3 (Unknown, Unknown*, Lowton).

Stoppages: After thirty minutes of play Wolves complained about the kicking and tripping by the home team. The Police came on to the pitch to escort the teams off at half-time then after 75 minutes of  the second period Major Buckley took his team off in protest with Wolves losing 3-2. The Nice directors persuaded Wolves to return because they thought the locals would riot if not. Lowton equalized but with further problems the match ended early.
Injury: After Wolves returned to the pitch with 15 minutes left a French played fouled Nelson and Nelson swung a right hook on to the fella’s chin. As a result the Frenchman left the pitch injured and Nelson also went of, but only to level matters up.
Departure: At the end of the match none of the usual pleasantries took play, handshakes and champagne drinking for example. Wolves left for the railway station carrying the Union Flag singing ‘Tipperary’. They were followed by a number of threatening frenchman. But there was no further voilence there were a number of Police about.
