Nottingham Forest associated with both clubs

First Team Matches Second Team Matches Youth Team Matches League Debuts Associated with both clubs Transfers


John Barnwell, Jim Barron, Dave Beasant, Andy Beattie, Willy Boly, Leo Bonatini, Colin Booth, George Bowen, Frank Broome, Albert ‘Sailor’ Brown, Meynell Burgin, Fred Chadwick, Phil Chard, Sammy Clingan, Stan Collymore, Chris Crowe, Eugene Dadi, Dorus de Vries, Bobby Downes, Roger Eli, George Elokobi, Adam Federici, Darren Ferguson, Lester Finch, Tim Flowers, Dick Forshaw, Dougie Freedman, John Galley, Morgan Gibbs-White, Hillary Griffiths, Billy Gray, Stuart Gray, Adlene Guedioura, Greg Halford, Marcus Hall, Marlon Harewood, Asa Hartford, Freddie Haycock, Wayne Hennessey, James Henry, George Heppell, Ricki Herbert, Alan Hinton, Grant Holt, Bob Iverson, Eric Jones, David Kelly, Harry Keeling, Albert Latham, Dickie le Flem, Michael Mancienne, Billy Marshall, Dave ‘Boy’ Martin, Stuart McMillan, Ian Miller, Rafa Mir, Frank O’Donnell, Colin Perry, Adam Proudlock, Nigel Quashie Jack Robinson, Robert Rosario, Nuno Espirito Santo, Dean Saunders, Hans Segers, Cecil Shaw, Nicky Summerbee, Joao Teixeira, Geoff Thomas, Cyril Trigg, Darren Ward, Tom ‘Pongo’ Waring, Frank Wignall, Joe Wilson, Peter Withe.
